Bridle Road is a Mess
For almost ten years now, I’ve lived in the Shirley South Ward of Croydon. All over our ward, the green spaces here are scruffy, neglected, and are a health hazard, too.
I walk my dogs around the area daily and it feels scruffy. Unloved and uncared for. Because grass is uncut, weeds are prominent, kerbstones are overgrown and signage is dirty and rusty.
Furthermore, walk the length of Bridle Road to see that it hasn’t been given any TLC in over a decade.
Is it Croydon Council‘s job to look after “Our Community,” or is it our responsibility to care for our neighbourhood?
So what are we going to do about it?
After almost ten years, I don’t have to just look at it anymore. Thanks to lots of physio and Shirley Oaks Hospital, I can get off my backside and do something about it. Because starting from this month (August 2024), I’m going to try to tackle the green spaces in my community.
I aim to share the work and TLC with my neighbours via my new YouTube Channel. I’ll film each cleanup and upload them to YouTube.
Watching others do the same around the world inpired me to make a start. Hopefully others will see it and do the same.
Before the Cleanup Begins
Watch The Cleanups
Next Months Blog
New blog released on the First Friday of every month. Coming up in September’s blog, I’ll share all the photos of the Bridle Road Green and any other cleanups I get to in August. I’ll post one blog every month on the first Friday, at the same time as releasing the monthly video on YouTube. I also share “Shorts” every Friday on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.